Greetings patrons.  The cooler Fall weather is here and it’s helping me to go inwards to reflect on my self-care routines and also goals. I thought some of you might be interested to see which practices, supplements, etc. have remained with me as my allies over the years after much experimentation in my quest to feel empowered and well physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Although my body is different than yours, it’s also true that many of the things that I’ve discovered are also good for most people. So listen to you intuition as you read this extensive list of routines and practices and see if it inspires you consider just how many options you have to support yourself, and what you may want to consider incorporating into your practices.

When I look over this list of my self-care routines, obviously its a lot. I do not do all of these practices daily but I think that all the areas that I outline below are important to not neglect.