by Marya Gendron | Feb 12, 2021 | Blog, Nutrition
I’ve always been wary of vitamin D supplementation, and I’ve written about why before. But now that we’re in a pandemic, and so many people are taking high doses of vitamin D, I figure it’s high time I shared my perspective on vitamin D again....
by Marya Gendron | Sep 18, 2020 | Blog, Migraine Physiology, Minerals, Nutrition
There are many obscure essential minerals out there – all of them, despite their obscurity, so incredibly important for the optimal functioning of our bodies (at the right quantities, of course). Molybdenum is one of those obscure minerals, and also very...
by Marya Gendron | Jun 4, 2020 | Blog, Nutrition
What’s the Story with Chocolate and Migraines? Is wanting to eat chocolate just a craving we have because of chocolate’s incredible flavor, or is there a deeper reason that our body cries out for it? Why do you crave chocolate more right before your...
by Marya Gendron | Mar 3, 2020 | Blog, Migraine Physiology, Minerals, Nutrition
However obscure, it’s time manganese got on your radar! Of the 15 nutritional elements that I focus on in a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis, I’ve dabbled in supplementing most of them (with only very limited experiments with phosphorous, chromium, and iron)....
by Marya Gendron | Jan 30, 2020 | Blog, Migraine Physiology, Nutrition
Chilli peppers and capsaicin There are two big ironies in my journey healing migraine. One irony is that I grew up in a part of the world rich in copper, home to some of the world’s largest copper mines – but copper deficiency was playing a big role in my...
by Marya Gendron | Jan 8, 2020 | Blog, Minerals, Nutrition
When you were conceived, there was a spark of light! Before we get deep into the benefits of zinc for migraine, we need to go back in time . . . . way back, to the origins of you. The spark of luminosity that propelled you into being was fueled by zinc. The strength...