The Importance of Electrolytes for Migraines
I wanted to share a few videos I posted to Instagram awhile back where I explain the value of having sufficient electrolytes if you get migraine, and go into some of the mineral dynamics involved in electrolyte balance and how I approach electrolyte balancing using a...
Be Cautious with Green & Black Tea if You Have Migraines
If you're a migraineur who has managed to give up coffee, but you've replaced it with green or black tea as many people do, I have some not so great news for you: drinking tea from the camelia sinensis plant may be contributing to your migraines (but don't worry,...
Can Scoliosis Cause Migraines?
This is an important question. I've pointed out before (here and here and here) that I see that many migraine clients of mine also have scoliosis. Having suffered from scoliosis since the age of 12, I can attest to the fact that I think it's playing a very big role in...
What Divorce Taught Me About Impeccable Self-care
You'll notice that for the past few years, I haven't been blogging as much. I got wrapped up in creating my Repattern Migraine Masterclass (basically, a decade worth of research in one course - my master's thesis). I also launched my Migraine Alchemy podcast. And I...
Problems with Hearing Loss, Vertigo, and Tinnitus in Migraine
Over the years I've seen a whole host of migraine coaching clients who have problems with their ears - these issues range from a mild ache, to intermittent tinnitus, to more severe bouts of constant tinnitus and/or vertigo. One of my clients was even deaf in one ear,...
Why Butterbur, Feverfew, and Riboflavin in Migraine Formulations Might Not Be Supporting You
Watch the video below for an explanation! Hey, a quick message. I was looking at some of the Q&A questions that have come through in the Migraine Healing Circle as part of the Repattern Migraine coursework. And one of them that came up...
The Nitty Gritty on Fluoride Toxicity (and It’s Bad)
As many of you know, I've been pointing the finger at fluoride toxicity as a major overlooked culprit in chronic migraine for awhile now. I've written blog posts on fluorine and fluoride in dental products and why toxic halides like bromide, fluoride, and chlorine...
The Evolution of My Thought on Migraine Migraine Headache - Below is a transcript from a video I shared on Instagram recently. In this video, I share the evolution of my thoughts on migraine, and how to dress it. If you’d like to learn how to put these insights...
Adrenal and Liver Health in Menstrual and Post-menopausal Migraines
Menstrual Migraine - I wanted to share this video that I have on my YouTube channel and Instagram because it goes over a lot of important aspects of migraine physiology that are critical to understanding when looking at minerals, hormones, and glandular function in...