Natural Migraine Relief – Has it ever occurred to you, when shopping for groceries, how odd it is that we call the sprayed produce “conventional” and the healthier produce that hasn’t been genetically engineered or sprayed with chemicals, “organic”? In a healthy society, healthy food would be considered conventional.
The same goes for this notion of “alternative” medicine. What is called alternative medicine is, in fact, the original medicine that pre-existed the allopathic medical model. There’s no alternative to healing with nutrition, exercise, energy medicine, plant medicines, herbs, minerals, massage, breathwork, exercise, sunlight, mindset, acupuncture, etc. These are the age-old approaches that people have always sought out and always will. These healing methods have survived concerted efforts to squelch them throughout history, presumably because they work. What else could explain why they’ve endured? Why would traditions that don’t work endure?
So-called “alternative” healing methods, when they work, only work to the extent that they are supporting the whole system, ie, are holistic. Allopathic models usually “work” by mechanistically suppressing or cutting out the problem, and as such, they don’t heal anything. This may be great in an emergency, but not so great with chronic inflammatory health conditions like migraine. Suppressive methods drive symptoms deeper in the body where they just pop up elsewhere. as “side-effects.”
But politics aside, it is always good to ask ourselves, when sick: “What are my alternatives to the model being presented to me?” And if you’ve been looking for alternatives to the mainstream model of allopathic care for migraines, which is suppressive, you’ve probably already run the gamut of “options”: butterbur, B12, ginger, hydration, massage, manual adjustments, dietary restriction.
If these approaches haven’t worked for you, or have with limited success, it reveals that they don’t work because we lack a comprehensive understanding of what migraine is. Many allopathic websites say that migraine is genetic, or its causes are not well understood.
What is clear is that:
- Migraine medications that work often work via the serotonin pathway.
- Migraine arises under conditions of oxidative stress, hypoxia, cortical spreading depression, and elevated CGRP levels that result from that.
- Migraineurs tend to be chronically low in progesterone.
- Most of them get migraines when estrogen suddenly drops.
- They tend to have myriad co-morbidities, digestive problems, and chemical sensitivities, as well as tinnitus, TMJ, hyper-mobility, gallbladder congestion, and adrenal burnout.
- Migraine is known to be triggered by stress and disproportionately affects women.
What may be less well recognized (if it’s recognized at all) is that:
- Many people with migraines have a history of high exposure to fluoride, a toxic mineral present in antibiotics, anesthesia, antidepressants, steroids, toothpaste, and food. Our conventional systems of Big Ag and Big Pharma are therefore the leading causes of the migraine epidemic, to the extent that it is caused by these toxins in our food and medical systems.
- For many women, their resiliency is compromised by mineral imbalances caused by hormonal birth control. Over 250 million women worldwide are on hormonal birth control. The Cooper IUD also depletes women of vital nutrients.
- Hypoxia, a root cause of migraine, is a form of acidosis that leads to low voltage within the neurons. Migraine is not just a biochemical or hormonal issue, but a bioelectrical problem.
- Many migraineurs have PTSD from surgery, abuse, or the stresses of motherhood
- Estrogen in women causes diffuse awareness, which makes it hard for them to tune information out, leading to sensory overwhelm, a heightened sense of obligation to others, and poor boundaries. They feel guilty for resting.
- Most migraines are caused in part by low vagal tone and hypothyroidism, even if it is undetected and subclinical. Our vagus nerve is regulated in large part by the social nutrition available in our environment via social co-regulation.
- Mothers with migraine are at a disadvantage because the social fabric of support that we evolved within villages has been fragmented, leaving them with more stress. Social isolation leads to low serotonin levels, contributing to migraine.
There are of course many other factors we could look at when seeking to understand the root cause of migraine so that we can then find the most effective “alternative” to natural migraine relief as a solution to the allopathic model, but I believe the above factors are the key ones to understand and address to find relief.
The Repattern Migraine Masterclass is designed specifically to address all of these overlooked root causes of chronic migraine, providing an alternative that addresses this complex condition by removing toxins, nourishing the body, and addressing the sociological factors that go into women’s stress response.
Perhaps someday, this more holistic approach will no longer be called an “alternative” to natural migraine relief, but rather will be the standard of care.